Video games - AMPERSOUND Translate Media videojuegos

Video games

Video games are currently the most prolific audiovisual leisure content, and generate more income than music and cinema combined. From AAA games to those for mobile devices, as well as interactive films, training simulators, educational games and virtual reality, our team of specialists can handle the entire localisation process: preparation of the translatable content; translation of texts, images, videos and cinematics; reviewing and quality assurance; linguistic and final functionality testing. In addition, we can also help with promotion in online stores and social media.

En la actualidad, el sector del videojuego se compone de una nutrida comunidad de jugadores aficionados y profesionales; empresas que ofrecen servicios y productos relacionados con la industria, como merchandising, equipos informáticos, consolas, periféricos, eventos o patrocinios; profesionales de diversos perfiles que participan en todas las fases de creación, desarrollo, comercialización y difusión del videojuego; docentes e investigadores que analizan pormenorizadamente los distintos aspectos del videojuego; asociaciones profesionales que reúnen y defienden los derechos de los agentes del sector; y un largo etcétera en continuo crecimiento. Es, sin duda, una industria en la que merece la pena invertir.

Today, the video-game sector is made up of a vast community of players (both enthusiasts and professionals); businesses that provide products and services related to the industry (such as merchandising, computer equipment, consoles, peripherals, events and sponsorship); a wide range of workers who participate in the many phases of design, development, sale and distribution of the games; academics and researchers who meticulously study the various aspects of video games; professional associations that support the rights of those involved in the sector; plus a plethora of other groups that are constantly growing. It is, without doubt, an industry worth investing in.

Video games have evolved significantly, and among the factors that have led to an expansion of the traditional demographic to include less conventional new groups of players are:

  • technological advances (mobile devices, broadband connection, fibre optics).
  • new uses and objectives of video games, such as ‘serious games’ (those with applications other than entertainment, which are used in fields such as training, advertising, simulation or education) or gamification. Linked to these is the use of video games as a communication tool in advertising, also known as ‘advergaming’. The marketing sector has made full use of the strength of the video game industry by integrating pre-existing concepts such as commercials and banners, as well as employing techniques such as product placement in games.
  • transmedia narrative. An increasing number of products follow a single story that continues, branches off or advances in parallel across a range of media. For example, a story might begin in book form, then evolve into a video game, film and finally a comic.
  • the potential of e-sport (electronic sport) and virtual reality, which are beginning to consolidate their place in the market as the availability of devices increases, prices come down and games are developed for the platform.

In order to localise a video game, it’s essential to bear in mind that it is an interactive audiovisual product. It isn’t only a case of worrying about the narrative, place names, images or terminology for objects and actions that might be common to both genders (which can cause headaches for the unwary!). This so-called in-game content – which is the work of the product’s original developers and those translating it into the various export languages – is just one aspect to consider. Aside from this, it is also essential to understand the community that surrounds the game and know the numerous terms used by players when they interact online. In this way, any users will be able to effectively interact and communicate with other players in any part of the world.

Do you know all the elements relating to a video game that can need localising or adapting to meet the standards and preferences of another country? Here are the most important ones, although the list is growing by the day.

  • User interface.
  • Audio visual elements: images, graphics, inserts, music, sound effects, videos, animations, etc.
  • Physical elements that accompany the game: packaging, DVD, leaflets, manuals, etc.
  • Game and developers’ websites, plus online guides and manuals.
  • Subtitling of cinematic elements, trailers, demos, etc.
  • Translation and voicing of dubbing scripts in cinematic elements, trailers, demos, etc.
  • Merchandising.
  • Promotion on social and professional media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.
  • Community forums.
  • Content on YouTube and streaming platforms such as Twitch.
  • Podcasts.

To sum up, we love video games and are looking forward to playing yours! Tell us all about it using the contact form or send us an e-mail via

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Sofware de subtitulación y traducción con el objetivo de modernización digital y competitividad financiado por la Junta de Andalucía con cargo al programa operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020 de la Unión Europea.

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